Knowledge Network Operating Model : Part 2

Knowledge Network Operating Model : Part 2

Skills and capabilities are in constant flux.
One day one skill is crucial – the other day, a new capability overtakes it. The Knowledge Network Operating Model constantly evaluates and iterates upon the skills and capabilities needed for the organisation to overperform.
This and more I delve into in Element 1: Permanent Home of my new organisational operating model – give it a read and let me know what you think.

My first steps towards understanding organisations.

My first steps towards understanding organisations.

I see organisations as living organisms that can either shelter or adapt themselves based on four layers of interacting variables: Product/Service, People, Processes/Procedures, and Culture. Most companies pride themselves on adaption due to rapidly changing environments. Although, what I have experienced is that organisations do not follow such an adaptable mindset. The organisational structure is rigid and needs to reflect the opposite: dynamism and adaptability.

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